There are a lot of things about Walmart that I don’t like. For example, if you use your plastic money at Walmart or get a Walmart GIFT CARD… let’s just say that’s a Gift for thieves. From having your VISA card skimmed to outright theft of your money, only a fool uses plastic with Walmart. Only pay with cash if you walk into a store…. put a lead envelope around your plastic so you don’t get skimmed brushing past a tap skimmer. 

For online, stick with Amazon. 

So how did the Spinach WARS start? They started because I am a doctor and I support the idea that cooked spinach is beneficial to the colon and if you believe a Texas A&M Study on spinach, IT PREVENTS COLON CANCER. That’s a big one. 

But it is more than that. Studies have shown that patients with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis can get a full remission in just six weeks of adding daily servings to their diets. That’s Remission. That’s the research. But I have testimonials from patients; it works. Not everyone can eat spinach with such regularity, especially if they are on blood thinners. Always ask your Doctor before engaging in dietary changes that may interact with medications you may be taking. 

Over the years I have been an advocate for spinach. What kind of spinach? Cooked spinach and canned with no added salt. How complicated is that? Not very… unless you are sending letters to Walmart’s CEO, Doug McMillan,  and the South Carolina canner of Popeyes Spinach… McCall’s Farms of Effington, South Carolina. 

I am not going to hold back anything. While I do not like controvarcy or conflict, sometimes you must stand alone for what is right.

This is a behemoth. It is 99 ounces of cooked LEAF spinach with no added salt, that’s not the floor scrapings but LEAF, picked at the peak of perfection. That is 6 pounds 30 ounces of an American farmer’s labour of love. You can’t beat that. 


Mr. McMillion,

My complaint regards a recent terrible decision you have made, to block Popeye’s 99oz No Salt Added Leaf Spinach from Walmart customers. On the surface, this might seem a trivial missive against the massive Walmart grocery empire where a dozen short-sighted decisions are hardly noticed in a sea of backward thinking. You and your wife gave money to a hospital and get your names on a plaque, but you do nothing for disease prevention where you could have an enormous direct impact. Maybe you just don’t understand prevention or disease and its link to food choices.

I am a physician surgeon and believe me I understand exactly what hospitals do and it is not prevention. We patch up the broken and ignore prevention. Some think prevention is screening. That’s not prevention that is merely searching for subclinical diseases that have already established a foothold. Prevention is about preventing the foothold.

Walmart is the largest grocer in the United States.

Your commitment to healthy food choices is almost nil but pairs nicely with America’s declining life expectancy. Americans spend more on healthcare and hospitals than any other nation on earth and still achieve a declining life expectancy. A mere glance at COVID and we see a nation that spent the most money, was the most vaccinated and yet miraculously had the most deaths of any nation on earth. Without getting involved with the political stupidity, the MRNA vaccine had never been used on human subjects and required supercooling throughout transport and storage. The cold requirement alone probably made most of the batches ineffective.

Healthy food on Walmart shelves is at best a coincidence.

I will just focus on canned spinach because it may well be the singular most important prevention food along with coffee. The only spinach products you carry in stores for the consumer are hypertonic salt-ladened spinach. These are unhealthy products due to the salt content. Canned Leaf spinach without added salt is nearly the perfect food for gut health. Unlike a hypertonic spinach, the no salt-added alternative spinach hydrates the body. It is highly nutritious and in the 99oz can, is extremely cost-effective for the consumer.

Leaf Spinach as opposed to the floor scrapings of chopped spinach, offers a soft cellulose fiber that preserves the microvilli of the large intestine. This is crucial to bowel health. As you may or may or may not know, the small intestine doesn’t develop cancers with the exception of a familial genetic disorder. But if the microvilli are stripped from the large intestine, the bowel becomes prone to disease, and inflammation which leads to mutations and cancers. This is tautology, known for years and ignored by Walmart.

Millennials born between 1981-1996 have twice the risk of colorectal cancer compared to those born in 1950. Nearly double the number of young adults under 55 are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer today compared to a decade ago. You’re paying attention to nothing.

Crohn’s patients and those with ulcerative colitis and even diverticulitis benefit from [please pay attention] well cooked leafy greens. They do not benefit from RAW VEGETABLES… Period, in fact, quite the opposite. Yet the prevailing winds of ignorance claim fresh raw vegetables are superior. That is false for many reasons. No salt added canned leaf spinach is a goto food for these patients and they should eat roughly 3 to 4 cups of well cooked soft cellulose vegetables daily to achieve remission. The canned leaf spinach is cooked in the canning process. It is perfect out of the can. It does not rely on the early spring season for the crop. It accomplishes virtually all the heavy lifting necessary for the basis of a healthy diet. One simple, nearly perfect food in abundance and some Walmart beancounter terminates it.

Yet the Cheese Ball containers get larger and larger.

Further, recent studies published by the NIH, have shown that high dietary salt intake is pro-inflammatory and contributes to chronic inflammatory conditions which lead to cancers. What do you do? You take this healthy product off the market for Walmart customers and leave them with the salt infused leafy green canned products. This large can of healthy spinach was never taking up your precious shelf space from your large stocks of higher margin GV Cheese Balls, the ones in the foot tall polypropylene containers. The 99oz No Salt Added Leaf Spinach was simply warehoused and shipped to intelligent customers and patients that wanted it. You have cut them off.

I contacted the McCall Canary in South Carolina. They said you are not ordering the product presently but they have plenty in stock.

They also can Glory and Margaret Holmes products that are very high in salt and found in abundance on Walmart shelves. It is all coming from the same canner, all comes on the same trucks and goes to your Walmart warehouses. Walmart just makes poor choices. But it will be good for more hospital business down the road.

In the past I have bought Margaret Holmes Italian Green Beans from Walmart. They canned the stems! Those stems could perforate a colon or cause diverticulitis! Nevertheless, you stock the hypertonic stem loaded Margaret Holmes products in abundance.

In case you glossed over it, life expectancy is falling in the United States.

The hospital patch up method isn’t working; perhaps you may want to consider prevention. This spinach product is the singular best prevention and easiest to use prevention for bowel health, encompassing virtually all the chronic disease models.

Perhaps consumers need to start a Walmart Victory Garden. A victory against bad Walmart food decisions. Raw vegetables however require caution, especially with pathology: a single distribution of pre-washed raw sprouts in Germany killed 31 health-conscious Germans and infected another 3000 with E. coli costing months of recovery and chronic permanent bowel damage. Of course, they could go to your hospital and get a hemicolectomy or bowel resection and one free colostomy bag at no additional charge. That salvage model is unsustainable.

Do you know that 97% of patients with Gastrointestinal Cancers which are highly lethal, have a positive H. pylori?

The other 3% probably had a false negative test. How does H. pylori infect a person? The fecal oral route which is common in the distribution of fresh and raw vegetables. Food safety in the UNITED STATES is out of control so it is left to the individual rather than the Government to make healthy choices and safeguard their own health. But Walmart doesn’t allow that. They took the single healthiest product they sell off the market.

In a world of food inflation, the 99oz Popeye No Salt Added Leaf Spinach product is enormously beneficial to the consumer. It is enormously beneficial to those with chronic bowel diseases that must have this kind of product to prevent disabling exacerbations and heal the bowel. If it is too much quantity for some, they can freeze the excess. A large can is incentive to consume more.

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” Walmart says, “Eat salt, and Cheese Balls”, the modern day version of “Eat Cake.”

And when it comes to communicating complaints to Walmart, you offer nothing but dead sock email addresses and firewall idiot phone subterfuge. You don’t seem to have a single intelligent person that can reach the rarefied air of the blind decision makers. The decision you made in regard to this 99oz spinach product is lacking in all intelligent variables. 1000 Spinach farmers, lowest number in 45 years shows the disconnect between the farmer and the fabulous Cheese Ball Merchant King.

I wrote the letter and of course it fell on deaf ears. Some would call me a very stupid man for wasting my time. I may well agree. 


This marvelous 99 ounce 6 pund 30 ounce can of no-salt-added LEAF spinach is gone forever. off the shelves and online purchase options of the largest Grocery store in Ameria. 

Don’t blame the Great American Farmer or the Canner. They did their jobs perfectly, with care, skill and dedication, and produced a wonderful healing product, a product that would economically add years to the average American’s life. There in South Carolina sits a warehouse full of this gastronomic wonder, gathering dust because Walmart cut the farmer and canner off at the knees for a salt-drenched version that could be sold for a higher margin to Walmart Customers.

The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy among large, wealthy countries while outspending its peers on healthcare. 


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