Whales are not fish, they are dolphins.

Whaling was banned in 1982 but there remain three countries that just won’t stop it. One is Japan. Iceland is another, and Norway. It is true that when it come to cruelty to animals, the Trump boys are hard to beat. They can kill a zoo before lunchtime and polish off a few elephants and big cats in the afternoon. I know all the fallacy arguments about size how killing a cockroach is no different than killing whales. Well then with that logic why not just make humans expendable as well.

As for roaches unlike whales, roaches are invading my space. I am not invading their space.

The murder of gorillas, elephants and whales is unnecessary to sustain a food supply for humans. Eating mammals is not Pescatarian, especially eating mammals that are known for a high level of intelligence and self-awareness. Poll after poll shows the people from these countries that still shoot explosive harpoons in whales are resoundingly opposed to whaling. Pescatarians and in fact the US Public is resoundingly opposed to Whale hunting, on the order of 90% and more. 



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