Here are just a few of the celebrities who are and were Pescatarians. This is not to say you will live and prosper like these people but each in their way has shown a commitment and discipline to the Pescatarian lifestyle that has worked beyond mere longevity:

Here he is at the top of the list Handsome and fit Jack LaLanne. There is perhaps nobody in the history of the United States that brought fitness and a healthful lifestyle into the modern culture. Steroid monster lifters, even Arnold the needle admitted that LaLanne’s all-natural body was a work of art.

Jack LaLanne taught fitness and nutrition long before it became cool. Think how rare this is for in today’s pop culture internet world where information spreads at the speed of light… only 3% of Americans call themselves Pescatarians. Aside from Ben Franklin, Pescatarians were unknown and still are nearly invisible statistically.


A most amazing woman. Ford Model to Movie Star, she is Breathtakingly beautiful and not a hint of vanity. She managed a film and TV career that spanned decades and dedicated her life to the well-being of Lions and Tigers in distress. She started her own nonprofit organization called the Roar Foundation, which funds the Shambala Preserve wildlife habitat in California. She lives on the preserve and at 95 continues her work and welcomes visitors from around the world. Tippi is the mom of actress Melanie Griffith and the grandmom of actress Dakota Johnson. 


Tippi Hedren Pescatarian






We are a little show in this area because we are looking for actual Pescatarians who have a long dedication to the diet. We have invited some Celebs to tell us about their journey but understandably many are private people who prefer their privacy. Other celebs are new to the diet and while they are very dedicated, some celebs are diet fadests.

By Celeb we don’t mean just movie or TV personalities, but scientists, artists, doctors, and educators who have moved the needle of greater understanding and take joy in spreading the positive benefits of being a Pescatarian to others.

I am not famous at all. I am a physician surgeon and surfer, maybe not in that order, but I believe that the Pescatarian diet offers the most hope for long-term wellness and fitness for people of all ages. While you don’t have to love the sea or sea life, most of the Blue Zoners do want clean sustainable oceans and an abiding kinship with the great and small sea creatures.

And over time, if no celebrities show up, it really won’t matter. Ben Franklin and Jack LaLanne, never needed a crowd or the opinions of others to figure things out. The science is clear as a bell but we are still learning. It’s the quiet smart revolutions which yield the most benefits, not the loudest.

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