Ben Franklin was actually a STABLE GENIUS… His accomplishments are extraordinary. He was a leader in science, an inventor, publisher, scholar, social reformer and a world traveler. At a time when most Americans lived to be just 37 years of ago, Franklin made it to 84.
Franklin owed his longevity to clean living an lots of swimming. He didn’t smoke or drink alcohol and he never engorged himself with food. His view of food was that it was less important than conversation at meals. In his early days he was a vegetarian. After he started making Atlantic crossings is when he became a Pescatarian.
A Pescatarian is not simply a fish eater, they are essentially vegetarians that eat fish.
The quantities of fish kept at about 3 to 4 ounces when consumed. People new to the Pescatarian diet generally overeat fish because they overeat everything else. But the best utilization of fish in the diet is when accompanied by a vegetables and variety. This is the same formula used by Jack Lalanne and Elaine LaLanne. Elaine is presently 98. Jack passed at 96.
The Pescatarian diet is a discipline that turns into a lifestyle.
The purpose is to develop a smooth running machine in a world of entropy and bad habits and stress. Franklin was highly disciplined as a young man. He was punctual, had a strong work ethic and did not engorge his body with food. When his fellow workers would enjoy a large lunch with ale, Franklin would skip lunch and the ale entirely. It was also noted in many texts that Franklin was lean but much stronger than his heavyset colleagues. If something heavy needed to be lifted, Franklin could do it.
Vegans are an angry lot:
Of the various styles of eating, I have found Pescatarians and Flexitarians to be the happiest and Vegans to be generally angry and miserable. Vegetarians are a bit easier to get along with especially if they allow eggs and dairy in their diets. This because there are several structural issues wrong with the Vegan diet which oppose good health in humans.
Vitamin B12 is not the only a potentially deadly deficiency, intrinsic factor in the stomach and intestinal lining, is necessary to absorb Vitamin B12. Intrinsic factor comes from eating meats. So while even Ben Franklin struggled with animal cruelty issues, he accepted the reality that some meat was necessary for good health.